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Stream MQTT Data into HStreamDB

HStreamDB is an open-source streaming data platform that enables you to efficiently ingest, store, process, and distribute all real-time messages, events, and other data streams in one unified platform. Through EMQX Platform's integration with HStreamDB, you can save MQTT messages and client events to HStreamDB, achieving large-scale IoT data collection, transmission, and storage, and enabling real-time processing, monitoring, and analysis of data streams using standard SQL and materialized views.

This page provides a comprehensive introduction to the data integration between EMQX Platform and HStreamDB with practical instructions on creating and validating the data integration.

How It Works

HStreamDB data integration is an out-of-the-box feature of EMQX Platform that combines EMQX Platform's device connectivity and message transmission capabilities with HStreamDB's robust data storage and processing capabilities. With the built-in rule engine component, the data streaming and processing process is simplified between the two platforms.

The diagram below illustrates a typical architecture of data integration between EMQX and HStreamDB:

EMQX Platform Integration HStreamDB

EMQX Platform forwards MQTT data to HStreamDB through the rule engine and configured Sink, and the complete process is as follows:

  1. Message publication and reception: IoT devices establish successful connections through the MQTT protocol and subsequently publish telemetry and status data to specific topics. When EMQX Platform receives these messages, it initiates the matching process within its rules engine.
  2. Rule engine processes messages: Using the built-in rule engine, MQTT messages from specific sources can be processed based on topic matching. The rule engine matches corresponding rules and processes messages, such as data format conversion, filtering specific information, or enriching messages with context information.
  3. Data streaming into HStreamDB: Rule triggers the action of forwarding messages to HStreamDB where data can be easily configured to HStreamDB stream name, partition key and record, facilitating subsequent data processing and analysis.

After MQTT message data is written to Apache HStreamDB, you can engage in flexible application development, such as:

  • Upon receiving specific MQTT messages, you can use HStreamDB's rule engine component to trigger corresponding actions or events, enabling cross-system and application event-driven functionality.
  • Analyze MQTT data streams in real-time within HStreamDB, detect anomalies or specific event patterns, and trigger alert notifications or perform corresponding actions based on these conditions.
  • Centralize data from multiple MQTT topics into a unified data stream and utilize HStreamDB's computational capabilities for real-time aggregation, calculation, and analysis to gain more comprehensive data insights.

Features and Benefits

The data integration with HStreamDB brings the following features and advantages to your business:

  • Reliable IoT Data Message Delivery: EMQX Platform can reliably batch and send MQTT messages to HStreamDB, enabling the integration of IoT devices with HStreamDB and application systems.
  • MQTT Message Transformation: Using the rule engine, EMQX Platform can filter and transform MQTT messages. Messages can undergo data extraction, filtering, enrichment, and transformation before being sent to HStreamDB.
  • Large-Scale Data Stream Storage: HStreamDB supports the reliable storage of millions of data streams in a specially designed distributed, fault-tolerant log storage cluster. It can replay or push real-time data stream updates to applications as needed. Perfectly integrating with EMQX's message model, it achieves large-scale IoT data collection, transmission, and storage.
  • Cluster and Scalability: Built with a cloud-native architecture, EMQX and HStreamDB support online scaling and dynamic expansion and contraction of clusters, allowing flexible horizontal scaling to meet growing business demands.
  • Flexible Processing Capabilities: In HStreamDB, you can use familiar SQL to filter, transform, aggregate, and join multiple data streams. It also supports real-time processing, monitoring, and analysis of data streams using standard SQL and materialized views, providing real-time data insights.
  • Processing Capabilities in High-Throughput Scenarios: HStreamDB data integration supports both synchronous and asynchronous write modes, allowing for a flexible balance between latency and throughput according to different scenarios.

Before You Start

This section describes the preparations you need to complete before you start to create a HStreamDB data integration, including how to start HStreamDB services and create streams.

The sub-sections below describe how to install and connect to HStreamDB on Linux/MacOS using Docker images. Make sure you have installed Docker and use Docker Compose v2 if possible. For other installation methods of HStreamDB and HStreamDB Platform, please refer to Quickstart with Docker-Compose and Getting Started with HStream Platform.


Set up Network

Before you start, you need to create a deployment (EMQX cluster) on the EMQX Platform and configure the network.

  • For Dedicated deployment users: First, create a VPC Peering Connection. After establishing the peering connection, you can log in to the Platform Console via the internal network IP to access the target connector. Alternatively, set up a NAT Gateway to access the target connector through a public IP.
  • For BYOC (Bring Your Own Cloud) deployment users: Establish a peering connection between the VPC where BYOC is deployed and the VPC where the target connector is located. After creating the peering connection, you can access the target connector via the internal network IP. If you need to access resources via a public IP address, configure a NAT gateway for the VPC where BYOC is deployed in the public cloud console.

Start HStreamDB TCP Service and Create Streams

This section describes how to start a single-node HStreamDB TCP service in your local Docker environment and then create Streams in HStreamDB.


Once HStreamDB resources are in a connected state, if you perform operations on Streams in HStreamDB, such as deleting and recreating a Stream, you need to reconnect to HStreamDB, which means restarting HStreamDB resources.

  1. Create a docker-compose-tcp.yaml file with the following contents. Please replace < server ip > with your server IP address.

    version: '3.9'
        image: hstreamdb/hstream:v0.17.0
        container_name: quickstart-tcp-hserver
          - zookeeper
          - hstore
          - ''
          - 6570
          - quickstart-tcp
          - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
          - /tmp:/tmp
          - data_store:/data/store
          - bash
          - '-c'
          - |
            set -e
            /usr/local/script/ hstore 6440 zookeeper 2181 600 \
            /usr/local/bin/hstream-server \
            --bind-address --port 6570 \
            --internal-port 6571 \
            --server-id 100 \
            --seed-nodes "$$(hostname -I | awk '{print $$1}'):6571" \
            --advertised-address < server ip > \
            --metastore-uri zk://zookeeper:2181 \
            --store-config /data/store/logdevice.conf \
            --store-admin-host hstore --store-admin-port 6440 \
            --store-log-level warning \
            --io-tasks-path /tmp/io/tasks \
            --io-tasks-network quickstart-tcp
        image: hstreamdb/hstream:v0.17.0
        container_name: quickstart-tcp-hstore
          - quickstart-tcp
          - data_store:/data/store
          - bash
          - '-c'
          - |
            set -ex
            # N.B. "enable-dscp-reflection=false" is required for linux kernel which
            # doesn't support dscp reflection, e.g. centos7.
            /usr/local/bin/ld-dev-cluster --root /data/store \
            --use-tcp --tcp-host $$(hostname -I | awk '{print $$1}') \
            --user-admin-port 6440 \
            --param enable-dscp-reflection=false \
        image: zookeeper:3.8.1
        container_name: quickstart-tcp-zk
          - 2181
          - quickstart-tcp
          - data_zk_data:/data
          - data_zk_datalog:/datalog
        name: quickstart-tcp
        name: quickstart_tcp_data_store
        name: quickstart_tcp_data_zk_data
        name: quickstart_tcp_data_zk_datalog
  2. Run the following shell command to start the HStreamDB TCP service.

    docker compose -f docker-compose-tcp.yaml up --build
  3. Enter the HStream container and create a Stream named temp_hu .


    You can also use HStreamDB interactive SQL CLI to create Stream. Use hstream --help to get more information about using hstream command.

    Command for entering HStreamDB container and creating Stream
     $ docker container exec -it quickstart-tcp-hserver bash
     # create Stream `temp_hum`
     root@ed6a64e65ac0:/# hstream stream create temp_hum
     | Stream Name | Replica | Retention Time | Shard Count |
     | temp_hum    | 1       | 604800 seconds | 1           |
     # list all Stream
     root@ed6a64e65ac0:/# hstream stream list
     | Stream Name | Replica | Retention Time | Shard Count |
     | temp_hum    | 1       | 604800 seconds | 1           |

Start HStreamDB TLS Service and Create Streams

This section describes how to start a dual-node HStreamDB TCP service in your local Docker environment and then create Streams in HStreamDB.


Once HStreamDB resources are in a connected state, if you perform operations on Streams in HStreamDB, such as deleting and recreating a Stream, you need to reconnect to HStreamDB, which means restarting HStreamDB resources.

About Docker Network Environment and Certificate Files

  • Please be aware not to set default environment variables like http_proxy, https_proxy, all_proxy, etc., for containers, as these environment variables may affect communication between different containers in HStream in the current version. Refer to Docker Network Proxy.
  • Root certificates and self-signed certificates are generated automatically using the smallstep/step-ca container.
  • If you have other certificate requirements, please mount the certificate files into the HStreamDB container yourself or refer to Configuring step-ca.
    • Certificates generated by step-ca under default settings are only valid for one day. If you want to change the certificate validity period, delete the certificates in the ca directory and modify the certificate validity according to step-ca-configuration-options.
  1. Create a directory tls-deploy/ca to store certificates.

    mkdir tls-deploy/ca
    $ cd tls-deploy
    # To grant write permissions to the "ca" directory.
    $ sudo chmod 777 ca
  2. Create a docker-compose-tcp.yaml file with the following contents under tls-deploy. Please replace < server ip > with your server IP address.

    version: '3.9'
        image: smallstep/step-ca:0.23.0
        container_name: quickstart-tls-step-ca
          - quickstart-tls
          - ${step_ca}:/home/step
          - DOCKER_STEPCA_INIT_DNS_NAMES=step-ca
        image: smallstep/step-ca:0.23.0
        container_name: quickstart-tls-generate-hstream-cert
            condition: service_healthy
          - quickstart-tls
          - ${step_ca}:/home/step
          - bash
          - '-c'
          - |
            sleep 1
            if [ -f hstream.crt ]; then exit 0; fi
            step ca certificate "hstream" hstream.crt hstream.key \
            --provisioner-password-file secrets/password --ca-url https://step-ca:9000 \
            --root certs/root_ca.crt \
            --san localhost \
            --san \
            --san < server ip >
        image: hstreamdb/hstream:v0.19.3
        container_name: quickstart-tls-hserver-0
          - generate-hstream-cert
          - zookeeper
          - hstore
          - '6570:6570'
          - '6571:6571'
          - '26570:26570'
          - 6571
          - 26570
          - quickstart-tls
          #  ipv4_address:
          - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
          - /tmp:/tmp
          - data_store:/data/store
          - ${step_ca}:/data/server
          - bash
          - '-c'
          - |
            set -e
            /usr/local/script/ hstore 6440 zookeeper 2181 600; \
            timeout=60; \
            until ( \
              [ -f /data/server/hstream.crt ] && [ -f /data/server/hstream.key ] \
            ) >/dev/null 2>&1; do
                >&2 echo 'Waiting for tls files ...'
                sleep 1
                timeout=$$((timeout - 1))
                [ $$timeout -le 0 ] && echo 'Timeout!' && exit 1;
            done; \
            /usr/local/bin/hstream-server \
            --bind-address --port 6570 \
            --internal-port 6571 \
            --server-id 100 \
            --seed-nodes "hserver0:6571,hserver1:6573" \
            --advertised-address < server ip > \
            --metastore-uri zk://zookeeper:2181 \
            --store-config /data/store/logdevice.conf \
            --store-admin-host hstore --store-admin-port 6440 \
            --io-tasks-path /tmp/io/tasks \
            --io-tasks-network quickstart-tls \
            --tls-cert-path /data/server/hstream.crt \
            --tls-key-path /data/server/hstream.key \
            --enable-tls \
            --advertised-listeners l1:hstream://< server ip >:26570 \
            --listeners-security-protocol-map l1:plaintext
            # NOTE:
            # advertised-listeners ip addr should same as container addr for tls listener
        image: hstreamdb/hstream:v0.19.3
        container_name: quickstart-tls-hserver-1
          - generate-hstream-cert
          - zookeeper
          - hstore
          - '6572:6572'
          - '6573:6573'
          - '26572:26572'
          - 6573
          - 26572
          - quickstart-tls
          #  ipv4_address:
          - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
          - /tmp:/tmp
          - data_store:/data/store
          - ${step_ca}:/data/server
          - bash
          - '-c'
          - |
            set -e
            /usr/local/script/ hstore 6440 zookeeper 2181 600; \
            timeout=60; \
            until ( \
              [ -f /data/server/hstream.crt ] && [ -f /data/server/hstream.key ] \
            ) >/dev/null 2>&1; do
                >&2 echo 'Waiting for tls files ...'
                sleep 1
                timeout=$$((timeout - 1))
                [ $$timeout -le 0 ] && echo 'Timeout!' && exit 1;
            done; \
            /usr/local/bin/hstream-server \
            --bind-address --port 6572 \
            --internal-port 6573 \
            --server-id 101 \
            --seed-nodes "hserver0:6571,hserver1:6573" \
            --advertised-address < server ip > \
            --metastore-uri zk://zookeeper:2181 \
            --store-config /data/store/logdevice.conf \
            --store-admin-host hstore --store-admin-port 6440 \
            --io-tasks-path /tmp/io/tasks \
            --io-tasks-network quickstart-tls \
            --tls-cert-path /data/server/hstream.crt \
            --tls-key-path /data/server/hstream.key \
            --enable-tls \
            --advertised-listeners l1:hstream://< server ip >:26572 \
            --listeners-security-protocol-map l1:plaintext
            # NOTE:
            # advertised-listeners ip addr should same as container addr for tls listener
        image: hstreamdb/hstream:v0.19.3
        container_name: quickstart-tls-hserver-init
          - hserver0
          - hserver1
          - quickstart-tls
          - bash
          - '-c'
          - |
            until ( \
                /usr/local/bin/hadmin server --host hserver0 --port 26570 status && \
                /usr/local/bin/hadmin server --host hserver1 --port 26572 status \
            ) >/dev/null 2>&1; do
                >&2 echo 'Waiting for servers ...'
                sleep 1
                timeout=$$((timeout - 1))
                [ $$timeout -le 0 ] && echo 'Timeout!' && exit 1;
            done; \
            /usr/local/bin/hadmin server --host hserver0 --port 26570 init
        image: hstreamdb/hstream:v0.19.3
        container_name: quickstart-tls-hstore
          - quickstart-tls
          - data_store:/data/store
          - bash
          - '-c'
          - |
            set -ex
            /usr/local/bin/ld-dev-cluster --root /data/store \
            --use-tcp --tcp-host $$(hostname -I | awk '{print $$1}') \
            --user-admin-port 6440 \
        image: zookeeper:3.8.1
        container_name: quickstart-tls-zk
          - 2181
          - quickstart-tls
          - data_zk_data:/data
          - data_zk_datalog:/datalog
        #  driver: default
        #  config:
        #    - subnet: ""
        name: quickstart-tls
        name: quickstart_tls_data_store
        name: quickstart_tls_data_zk_data
        name: quickstart_tls_data_zk_datalog

Now the directory structure should be:

$ tree tls-deploy
├── ca
└── docker-compose-tls.yaml

2 directories, 1 file
  1. Enter the directory tls-deploy and run the following shell command to start an HStreamDB TLS service.

    # Launch in the same folder
    env step_ca=$PWD/ca docker compose -f docker-compose-tls.yaml up --build
    # Backstage start-up
    env step_ca=$PWD/ca docker compose -f docker-compose-tls.yaml up -d --build
  2. Enter HStreamDB container and create a Stream named temp_hum.

    TLS connection command options

    Similar to the HStreamDB TCP service, here you only need to add the --tls-ca [CA_PATH] option to the command line. Please note that if you want to execute the command on node quickstart-tls-hserver-1, you need to specify the --port 6572 option additionally to ensure consistency with the port specified in the docker-compose file.

    Command for entering HStreamDB container and creating Stream
    $ docker container exec -it quickstart-tls-hserver-0 bash
    # Create Stream `temp_hum`
    root@9aa62aef0910:/# hstream --tls-ca /data/server/certs/root_ca.crt stream create temp_hum
    | Stream Name | Replica | Retention Time | Shard Count |
    | temp_hum    | 1       | 604800 seconds | 1           |
    # List all Streams
    root@9aa62aef0910:/# hstream --tls-ca /data/server/certs/root_ca.crt stream list
    | Stream Name | Replica | Retention Time | Shard Count |
    | temp_hum    | 1       | 604800 seconds | 1           |

Create an HStreamDB Connector

Before creating data integration rules, you need to first create an HStreamDB connector to access the HStreamDB server.

  1. Go to your deployment. Click Data Integration from the left-navigation menu.

  2. If it is the first time for you to create a connector, select HStreamDB under the Data Persistence category. If you have already created connectors, select New Connector and then select HStreamDB under the Data Persistence category.

  3. Enter the connection information:

    • Server URL: IP address and port of the server.
    • gRPC Timeout: Specify the maximum amount of time the system will wait for a response from the HStreamDB server when a gRPC request is made. The default value is 30 seconds.
    • You can click the toggle switch to enable the TLS connection if required. When TLS is enabled, disable TLS Verify. Upload the certificates and key generated under the tls-deploy/ca directory:
      • Upload ca/hstream.crt to TLS Cert.
      • Upload ca/hstream.key to TLS Key.
      • Upload ca/certs/root_ca.crt to CA Cert.
  4. Advanced settings (optional).

  5. Click the Test button. If the HStreamDB service is accessible, a success prompt will be returned.

  6. Click the New button to complete the creation.

Create a Rule

Next, you need to create a rule to specify the data to be written and add corresponding actions in the rule to forward the processed data to Cassandra.

  1. Click New Rule in Rules area or click the New Rule icon in the Actions column of the connector you just created.

  2. Enter the rule matching SQL statement in the SQL Editor. In the following rule, we read the time when the message was reported up_timestamp, client ID, payload via temp_hum/emqx topic. Also, we can read temperature and humidity from this topic.

      timestamp as up_timestamp,
      clientid as client_id,
      payload.temp as temp,
      payload.hum as hum


    If you are a beginner user, click SQL Examples and Enable Test to learn and test the SQL rule.

  3. Click Next to add an action.

  4. Select the connector you just created from the Connector dropdown box.

  5. Configure HStream Record Template for forwarding messages to the specific topic by using the template below for data insert:

      "up_timestamp": ${up_timestamp},
      "client_id": ${client_id},
      "temp": ${temp},
      "hum": ${hum}
  6. Advanced settings (optional).

  7. Click the Confirm button to complete the rule creation.

  8. In the Successful new rule pop-up, click Back to Rules, thus completing the entire data integration configuration chain.

Test the Rules

You are recommended to use MQTTX to simulate temperature and humidity data reporting, but you can also use any other client.

  1. Use MQTTX to connect to the deployment and send messages to the following Topic.

    • topic: temp_hum/emqx

    • payload:

        "temp": "27.5",
        "hum": "41.8"
  2. Check if the message has been forwarded to Kafka.

     # Enter `Control-C` to stop after reading Stream `temp_hum`
     root@7f963b999883:/# hstream stream read-stream temp_hum
     timestamp: "1711442849073", id: 2241614080977213-21474836481-0, key: "", record: {"up_timestamp": 1711442848921, "client_id": mqttx_3f5a2868, "temp": 27.5, "hum": 41.8}
  3. View operational data in the console. Click the rule ID in the rule list, and you can see the statistics of the rule and the statistics of all actions under this rule.